Programul vizitelor din Proiectul Comenius la Satu mare
Între 7-10 Octombrie 2013, Liceul Teologic "Nicolae Steinhardt" din Satu Mare va fi gazdă pentru profesorii și elevii implicați în Proiectul Comenius "Let me know you: united in diversity". Vor fi prezenți oaspeți din Turcia, Spania, Italia, Lituania, Polonia şi Bulgaria. Programul propus este următorul:
Activities proposed in the week from October 7th to October 12th 2013
within Comenius Multilateral Partnership Project entitled:
“Let me know you: United in diversity”
07.10.2013 –Monday
Arrival day and guest accommodation
08.10.2013 – Tuesday
-8:45 – Welcoming of guests in the school
- 9:00 – Prayer
- 9:15 – Festive opening and introduction of the participants
- 10:00 – Coffee break
- 10:30 – Presentation of Romania
- a walk around the school
- Project meeting
13:00 – Lunch break
15:00 – Presentation from every country
19:00 – Celebration dinner – Our Guests
09.10.2013 – Wednesday
Trip on the route: Satu Mare – Vama – Negresti Oas – Certeze – Sapanta – Sighet – Barsana – Baia Mare and return to Satu Mare
Lunch break at Sighet.
10.10.2013 – Thursday
9:00 - Folk Performance – “Codrisorul” ensemble
- Presentation of the Wedding Ritual of the people from the Oas region
- presentation of traditional food and cuisine
12:00 – Project meeting
15:00 – Workshops for the students
- Traditional dancing
- Beads
- Painting on glass
- Choir
- Dictionnay about culture in 7 languages
- International Contest
11.10.2013 – Friday
10:00 – Holy Mass
11:30 – Certificates’ ceremony at the Satu Mare City Hall
13:00 – a walk around the city of Satu Mare
18:00 – celebration dinner – Our guests
Pr. prof. Gabriel Groza
Headmaster of Liceul Teologic Ortodox “N. Steinhardt”